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About Soccer

Want to work in soccer and possibly make a career out of it? Learn how to start your journey now through powerful features with those doing it.

What is this sport about?

Soccer is one of the most universal sports around! It's accessible and normally one of the first team sports that kids are exposed to. This sport is also known as football in Europe, where it is extremely popular, although it is very popular worldwide.

Why do we have a section dedicated to this sport?

It's importance worldwide is why we love to feature industry professionals on the player side on this page. So, if you want to find out what it takes to work in soccer, keep reading!

So, what's next?

You can also access content from sport pros working for soccer organizations on the business side of sport. Visit SPMA Or just go ahead and click out of this pop-up. In doing so, you will discover how work and careers on the player side of soccer look.